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MAZE Magazine

Winter 2023; Issue V

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On the pages of the Winter 2023 Issue, you will find articles and thought pieces covering a wide variety of topics. From the prospect of building an artificial brain to the intricacies of the music-memory link, this edition is sure to keep you engaged and provide valuable insight into topics you may not have thought about before. Enjoy the read! The Winter 2023 Issue was brought to you by the 2022/23 committee: Varya, Annika, Ana, Alex, Eden, Rhea and Rishika.

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Welcome to the archive! Here you can find all the recent past issues of MAZE along with short messages from their respective Editors. The newest edition of MAZE can be found right above, at the top of the page, and accessed by clicking the red pdf file icon located on top of the cover image. If you have any difficulties opening any of the files found on this page or would like to view one of the older issues of MAZE not located on this page, don't hesitate to get in touch with us via email or through the contact tab!

MAZE Magazine

Winter 2022; Issue IV

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MAZE is a space to talk about the things we are passionate about. It is where the diversity and applicability of our fields are showcased. Most importantly, it is a space for ideas – the old and the new. It is a space where ideas are born, debated, and reframed. In these pages, you will discover what different people love most about Psychology and Neuroscience. I hope that these articles inspire you, and that they plant some ideas too! I would like to thank every person on our incredible committee - our editors, content creators & heads of design and social media. This issue is the product of their hard work, creativity, and dedication. The Winter 2022 Issue was brought to you by the 2021/22 committee: Tini, Varya, Lina, Chloe, Tzvetelina, Ana, Rishika, Sidney, Annika and Rhea.

MAZE Magazine

Summer 2021; Issue III

(click pdf file icon to open)

Turns out, pandemics tend to make things a little hard for magazines. However, with your continuous engagement and the most enthusiastic and supportive team, we managed to publish two magazines that we’re really proud of. This issue has articles written by students about things that interest them, their reflections, controversial takes on topics, and their very own research. Therefore, this issue is dedicated to students. It is dedicated to you. You got through the unpredictability of this academic year as best you could. You studied, slept, socialised, and survived in your bedroom through what are supposed to be the ‘best years’ of our lives. You reached out to others via online zoom calls and immersed yourself in online learning. I hope this issue of MAZE is an informative and interesting read for you. The Summer 2021 Issue was brought to you by the 2020/21 committee: Tahira, Tini, Vivianne, Cyrus, Grace, Varya, Kaenat, Sidney, Ana, Rishika, and Fiona.

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MAZE Magazine

Winter 2021; Issue II

(click pdf file icon to open)

MAZE is going to remember 2020 as a year of change, where we moved most of our publicity efforts online, introduced a new blog column on our website, and grew in exciting and different ways. This issue so incredibly diverse - it contains research reviews, reflections, controversial topics, interviews, and artwork. Ideas have been brainstormed and articulated by authors, proofread by editors, formatted by our Head of Design, and now they lie with you. The Winter 2021 Issue was brought to you by This issue was brought to you by the 2020/21 committee: Tahira, Tini, Vivianne, Cyrus, Grace, Varya, Kaenat, Sidney, Ana, Rishika, and Fiona.

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